Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Christmas Card 2010

I got a Free sample from Shutterfly so I made this one up... I think it's cute but I'll have to do another one once Molly is born!!!

Peppermint Pink Christmas Card
Make a statement with custom Christmas cards at Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Our life with two crazy kids indeed!!!

I'm not sure where my kids get all of their energy and I certainly don't know how long it takes for them to burn it all up. They can go all day and all night and never stop. Carsen hasn't taken naps for about a year now and he goes strong all day and even sometimes doesn't fall asleep until 9pm. Hannah takes a nap everyday but if she skips one she gets very cranky! Maybe the 3 of us will have to start jogging every night!!! ;)
Carsen is obsessed with the movie Toy Story lately and watches it every night before bed. He even used all of his piggy bank money to buy Buzz Lightyear after we bought him Woody! Still potty training Carsen to poop on the potty. It's pretty frustrating that's for sure.
Hannah just moved up from a toddler bed to a twin size bed. She doesn't even use a bedrail. She's such a big girl. Potty training with her is going so much better than I thought. She still has her days where she doesn't want to go on the potty but for the most part she does great. She especially does great when we are out in public or in the car. She also just recently starting waking up with a dry diaper after naptime. That has been encouraging to know that there is hope for atleast one of my children to be potty trained before they are 6!!!!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Baby, baby, baby!

So I had my first doctor's appt. today! I'm 6wks 5dys and due on December 8th. Still a LONG way to go. I have my next appt. on May 4th and will probably have an ultrasound that day also. I can't wait.. I just want to see the little bean!!!! So I've officially crossed into the crazy land of 3 kids! I'm hoping it goes a little smoother than what I'm imagining in my head.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


So do you notice anything new about the name of my blog....

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Happy Birthday to my Hannah girl!!!!!

Happy 2nd Birthday Hannah!!!!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Hannah's Room

I've been into decorating Hannah's room lately. She's had her own room since we moved here in August but she's never had any decorations on her walls or her own bedding. I figured it was about time. We had a big week of changes also. After all the decorating that I did I decided to bring up the toddler bed to set up the bedding. I figured I would also try to get Hannah to sleep in it. The first afternoon she got right out of her bed and climbed back into her crib. That night though Matt was putting her to bed and asked if she wanted to sleep in her big girl bed. She said "Yes, I do". She went and climbed into bed, Matt brought her her blanket and she fell right asleep. She's been sleeping in it since Tuesday and she had done great!!! I just had Matt take apart her crib yesterday... it was a little sad to know that my baby isn't a "baby" anymore. We also gave her a birthday present a few days early since she had a lot more room in her room now. It's a very cute dollhouse/playhouse. It's pretty huge though but she still loves it!
The room still isn't complete but as soon as it is I'll have more pics up.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Potty Training... take 542... this time with my girly girl!!!

So this pretty little princess told me yesterday that she wants to wear undies..... WOW! You mean there is actually a kid in this house that wants to be potty trained. I put her in a pair of Carsen's undies yesterday just to try it out and she peed in them but today when she woke up from her nap she said "Mama, potty" and I brought her in and she peed! I don't know what I'll do with myself if it takes less than a year to potty train her!!!!

(she wasn't so excited about having her pic taken)

(I told her I'd give her candy if she smiled)

( it worked out pretty well)